Kribhco Recruitment For Jr. Operator And Other Posts 2021 has published an Advertisement for the below-mentioned Posts. Eligible Candidates advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply for this post. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below. Keep checking regularly to get the latest updates

Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO), Hazira Plant, Surat invites applications from candidates for the various posts of Workman Trainees in Production, Chemical Laboratory and Maintenance Departments
Posts Name:
- Jr. Operator (Production) Gr. I Trainee – B.Sc. (Chemistry as main subject, Physics and Maths as auxiliary subjects) / Diploma in Chemical Engineering
- Jr. Chemist (Laboratory) Gr. I Trainee – B.Sc. (Chemistry as main subject, Physics and Maths as auxiliary subjects)
- Jr. Technician (Electrical/Mechanical) Gr. I Trainee – Diploma in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
Education Qualification Please Read Official Notification.
- The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in Bachelor’s Degree / Diploma and as awarded in the final qualifying examinations will be calculated based on the practice followed by the University / Institution from where the candidate has obtained the Degree/Diploma.
- In case the candidate is awarded grades / CGPA instead of marks, equivalent percentage shall be calculated based on the conversion to percentage criteria as followed by the respective University / Institutions from where he / she has obtained the Bachelor’s Degree / Diploma.
Age: Not more than 25 years as on 30.11.2021
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Important Link
Official Advertisement Link
Official Website Link
- Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 17-12-2021
- Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 31-12-2021
General Instructions
- This recruitment application and short-listing process is 100% online. Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online ONLY through “Careers” page on KRIBHCO’s website. No offline communication will be entertained. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required not to send any document by post to KRIBHCO.
- Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria as mentioned.
- As per the application process intimated on the career section of our corporate website, a unique id i.e. “Application No.” will be created for each successful submission of application, which is mandatory to be mentioned in each communication during the process.
- All correspondence with candidates shall be done only on their registered E-mail ID/mobile no. provided by the candidate.
- If at any stage in the selection process, including joining, if any documents/certificates are not found as per the specifications of eligibility criteria, such candidate shall be terminated from the process.
- Applications/Registration which are incomplete or not fulfilling the eligibility criteria shall not be considered “Eligible” and treated as “Rejected”.
- Selection of candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the job requirement.
- All such selection will also be subject to all relevant rules/policies/guidelines of KRIBHCO.
- For any correspondence mark a mail to “”.
- Online application will be accepted from 17th December, 2021 (Friday), 00:00 Hrs. to 31st December, 2021 (Friday), 23:59 Hrs. only.