Bin Sachivalay Clerk Exam Related News: There have been major updates for the non-secretariat clerk’s exam, which was canceled due to a paper leak. The information that the examination can be held by next November-December has been given by the Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board. Preparations have been started by the Mandal for conducting the examination.

Head Clerk Exam Cancelled 2021
Post Name :- Head Clerk Exam
Category :- News
Post Date ‘- 21/12/2022
The Cow Service Selection Board has also started a survey on conducting examinations in schools across the state. Preparations are being made to conduct binsachivalay clerk exam on a large scale between the Coronations.
Bin Sachivalay Clerk Exam Cancelled: According to Pradip Singh Jadeja’s press conference, the examination of the Bin Sachivalay clerk has been canceled. The examination was held on 17-11-2019 for Bin Sachivalay Clerk and office assistant positions. Over 6 lakh students appeared in the exam. It was demanded by the examiners to keep the examination closed due to the massive malpractice in the exam
Chief Minister of Gujarat and Home Minister Pradipsinh Jadeja Decision to Cancel Bin Sachivalay Exam Today by doing Press Conference at Gandhinagar Gujarat.
For the latest updates and Bin Sachivalay Clerk New Exam Date, please visit the OJAS as an all-important Notice, Updates, etc.
The bench of Dr. DY Chandrachud* and MR Shah, JJ has upheld the Delhi Government’s decision to cancel the selection process conducted by Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) during the year 2014 -15 and said.